Here’s a new Seznec Brothers tune for you, recorded yesterday in our bedroom. We’re not sure if it’s finished yet, I might add a piano track one day. More is coming soon!
wow, it has been so long since i have had a fast enough connection at home to download my amazing rolo podcasts. EXCELLENT! this is totally going on my mp3 player tonight so that i may bop my head to it on the L-train tomorrow. I will be the happiest work-day commuter in the city.
19 years ago
yaaaay! I love imagining my music on other people’s ipods.
19 years ago
or NON-ipod ipods! i’ve got a zen thank you very much!
tsk, mac peoples . . .
19 years ago
yes. Yes. YES!! Biggest fan going on tour with the Sez bros. Summer 2006 Woohoo!!!
19 years ago
yay for da Seznec Broders. Dey hav a good moosik, like da gelkes.
wow, it has been so long since i have had a fast enough connection at home to download my amazing rolo podcasts. EXCELLENT! this is totally going on my mp3 player tonight so that i may bop my head to it on the L-train tomorrow. I will be the happiest work-day commuter in the city.
yaaaay! I love imagining my music on other people’s ipods.
or NON-ipod ipods! i’ve got a zen thank you very much!
tsk, mac peoples . . .
yes. Yes. YES!! Biggest fan going on tour with the Sez bros. Summer 2006 Woohoo!!!
yay for da Seznec Broders. Dey hav a good moosik, like da gelkes.