I live in interesting times
I have lots of things to post about these days. I suppose that’s a good thing! I’ll take them one at a time. A few weeks ago I was invited down to Cardiff for May You Live in Interesting Times, a “festival of creative technology”. I took part in both the “Micro Maker Faire”, which lived up to it’s name very nicely, and the “Sound Pit”, which was a super-in-depth discussion about sound, sound art, music, and music technology. This all took place at the very swish newly-renovated Chapter Arts Centre. I saw some really exciting projects and met some great people, including the Bwyd Sonique, Dorkbot Bristol, and much much more.
This festival was extremely well documented, though a dedicated site called Switchboard. From there I was able to find this video documenting the Micro Maker Faire, featuring yours truly showing off the Gelkies and LoopMachine:
You can also listen to the Sound Pit discussion in it’s entirety right here!
Sound Pit @ MYLiIT by switchboardthreeThanks to everyone on the May You Live in Interesting Times team for a fantastic time!